
Monday, December 29


12 weeks 5 days

A double milestone. Not only did babe sleep til 6.45am (yes, that's nearly 7 in the morning - babymother could dispense with her afternoon nap), but she had a bath Without Screaming. She did not scream when we removed her clothes, she did not scream when we dangled her over the water and faffed about getting the temperature right, she did not scream when we put her in nor even when we took her out. She refrained from screaming even when babycousin (aged 3) decided to help wash her hair with a sort of banging action. The reason? Babe never hated baths. It was nothing personal against baths. It was the fact that until today they happened before her feed, so that instead of waking up to the usual serving of warm milk she was woken up to be plunged into a sinkful of (safely) lukewarm water. Why didn't I see this before? Thank you, babygreataunt, greatbabyaunt, greatbabygreataunt, for pointing out the obvious.

Something else babe found out she liked today was dancing to African music. The only thing cuter than the sight of her 'dancing' (with some assistance) on the lap of babyaunt#2 in time to Oliver Mtukudzi was the sight of her grandparents in front of her, giggling madly and dancing round the kitchen . Awwwww.

Friday, December 26

First Christmas
12 weeks 2 days

Well, I've had my present - babe went to bed at 11pm on Christmas Eve and slept til 6am on Christmas morning!! It could have been even later but I woke her up because my boobs were fit to burst. Then this morning she slept til 6.30. So I'd have clocked up an incredible amount of sleep if I'd gone to bed at sensible times myself...

Babe's Christmas has been packed with a large number of fascinating and friendly family members. She is learning the difference between men and women fast - the men are the ones pointing cameras in her face for most of her waking hours. I have been blessed with no less than four photography-obsessed, technically agile male relatives. I keep hearing the baby cry, start to rush in her general direction, then realise it's yet another video clip of her being played back on the computer.

She got some great presents: Dr Seuss finger puppets, wonderful baby books, blocks which make intriguing noises, a wooden puppet, and the list goes on. I was showing them to her this morning. She blanked them all and pounced on the Safeway carrier bag they were in, totally delighted with all the bold colours and that charming rustling noise.

Tuesday, December 23

12 weeks tomorrow

Here's a typical image of babe.

If babymother could get this in her size, she'd be wearing it all day too.

[Despite what it says below, this entry was hacked by babyfather]

Friday, December 19

11 weeks 2 days

I can't put off the decision any longer. Is babe going to be an eco-vandal for the rest of her babehood, polluting the world with her disposed-of nappies, or is her sweet little behind going to be swaddled in vast swathes of terry towelling?

I was very enthusiastic about 'real' nappies before babe arrived, and had a box of pristine white ones all folded and ready for her. They lasted less than a month. I'd chosen cotton 'prefolds', the attraction being that they are nice and slim-fitting - the drawback being that they don't absorb much at all.

Ever since, I've been making leisurely enquiries about different kinds of washable nappies. Very leisurely. By the time I make my mind up she'll be potty trained. The favourite so far is a shaped terry nappy which holds together with a dinky 'nappi nappa' fastener and has designer waterproof pants over the top. Containment is pretty good, but her bum looks enormous. I've bombarded my personal 'nappy adviser' (see thenappylady.co.uk - it's good) with questions about absorbency, drying time, laundering etc but actually I just can't bear to see her looking pear-shaped. God has created an incredibly good-looking baby out of a rather unpromising set of genes and I don't want to spoil the effect.

I am going to show Ganny the washable nappy on babe in a few days' time, for a physiotherapist's opinion. If she doesn't judge the bulk bad for babe's hips, or something, my last valid excuse is gone.

Thursday, December 18

Oh well
11 weeks 1 day

So much for the new routine. Fed her at 10pm, so far so good, and we got to sleep at 11pm. Then I decided to let her wake me up (hoping wildly that THIS will be the night she just forgets to wake). Babe woke at 3am hungry enough to eat a horse. Back to sleep at 3.45am. I set the alarm for 6am and doggedly woke her up then to keep with the routine, even though she'd have lasted til 7am or later. Of course, it was me that suffered, and I needed a nap which I would not have needed if I'd simply let her sleep til 7.

Anyway, we're up in Scotland with Ganny, Gandad and my sister and nephew, learning that babies are a doddle compared to boundary-testing three year olds. Sister's got another one on the way. How on earth does ANYONE look after a toddler and a baby?

Wednesday, December 17

Proud mum
11 weeks today

Got used to the shouting - you only have to make eye contact with her and off she goes.

I'm lining babe up for her next achievement, which will be giving babymother an uninterrupted night of sleep. She's fed at 10pm, 2am and 6am, the idea being that she will simply forget to wake up at 2am any day now. Watch this space!

Went to the baby clinic today to get her weighed. She's 10lb 10, 59cm long and her head circumference is 39cm, in case anyone is interested (?). Her growth is progressing as it should, anyway. The health visitor claimed to be able to tell that babe was breast-fed by her eyes: 'look how clear they are, like the sea'. She also said babe looked like a 'doll' and was very sociable. Then she awarded babe first prize, the mayor pinned a gold rosette to her babygrow and the occupants of the waiting room gave her a standing ovation on our way out.

Monday, December 15

10 weeks 5 days

Apologies for the blog gap - there was a technical hitch in the form of our Telewest broadband connection going down for a few days. I have continued blogging compulsively in Word and will backdate soon!

Babe's true personality emerged on Friday night when babyfather, our pal CB and I were larking around with her. Looking excited, she suddenly launched herself forward nearly diving out of CB's arms, and shouted 'INNIT!' at the top of her voice. From then on she only spoke to us in SHOUTING outbursts. The girl is clearly a total yob. Who has had such an uncouth influence on her? I have only brought her up to speak when spoken to, and then in a polite, self-effacing manner, and certainly not to fart in public.

Thursday, December 11

New Developments
10 weeks one day

Babe is longer! She won’t fit in her carry cot any more soon, and we might have to remove the infant head rest attachment in the car seat – gulp – maybe we can frame it or cast it in bronze or something.

I’m sure her hands have doubled in size, and I can get my fingernails under hers now to try to remove the dirt (hasn’t worked mind you). The deep creases in her neck are smoothing out. Thank God – they were a nightmare to clean. Last week I discovered deep creases behind her ears and you wouldn’t believe the cheesy stuff that had collected in there.

She’s holding her head up better with fewer wobbles. She can focus on things from several feet away. She smiles at us a lot, which is lovely, although she also smiles at pictures that appeal to her and, occasionally, soft furnishings. And her attention span seems longer; she watched my face intently yesterday through five whole verses of ‘Nick Nack Paddy Wack’!

Wednesday, December 10

Sleep monster
10 weeks today

Took babe to meet up with the other NCT mothers in my group this afternoon. I came away feeling like a die-hard disciple of Gina Ford (as in the ‘Fascist Little Mother’ book, aka Contented Little Baby). I arrived in time to feed babe, had a bit of a chat, then put her to sleep upstairs in the carry cot that I’d brought with me. Perfect. Babe got her sleep, which she seems to love, and I had free hands to help myself to all the yummy cake that was on offer. But then everyone else had a baby to dandle and all I had was an empty car seat with a forlorn hat lying in it, and one half of a baby monitor.

Babe is still sleeping 2 and a half to 3 hours after every feed – and whatever way I look at it that seems to be exactly what she needs. If I wake her up early I pay for it soon enough with a grumpy baby, and if I let her have her sleep she is a little ray of sunshine. They do say that a baby in the first 3 months needs 15/16 hours sleep a day and that’s what she is getting. I have to keep reminding myself of this so as not to feel guilty, because it’s just so darn easy to file her away in her ‘basket’ and do what I like.

This first 12 week period has been described as the last stage of pregnancy. What with all this sleep, I sometimes feel like we are still waiting to meet babe.

Saturday, December 6

New Words
9 weeks 3 days


Thursday, December 4

Grand Greatparents
9 weeks 1 day

Off to stay with Nanny and Noo-Noo tomorrow, that's Ganny and Gandad's opposite numbers. Babe has a full set of two matching pairs and even a great-nanny. I'm only realising now what a blessing this is for babe; I didn't really get what grandparents were for, because I only had the one and he wasn't really into kids, although he was apparently very good with boilers (no disrespect - I did enjoy his company when I reached adulthood!).

These four positively drool over babe without being possessive or intrusive (so long as Ganny is allowed to push the pram, she knows her place). They each did a 3-5am stint in the week following the birth, when the screaming was at a peak, to prove their devotion. My only slight quibble is that none of them live in the same country as babyfather and I. One set are in Scotland and the other in Wales. However this hasn't stopped Ganny offering to come and babysit once a week (don't worry, we turned her down) and Nanny wanting to do our laundry. So we'll be taking some with us this weekend for the full fabric conditioned, tumble-dried, aired and pressed treatment - Nanny will be getting flashbacks of babyfather's bachelor days...

Wednesday, December 3

9 weeks today

I think I've been getting a bit obsessed about the whole routine thing, and thinking myself rather marvellous for having a clockwork baby - as if the whole point of motherhood is to feed her and let her sleep. OK, practically speaking there isn't a lot more to it, bar extracting some burps and looking up all the verses of 'My Darling Clementine' on the internet (there are at least 10).

Prayer is a wonderful thing. Babyfather and I got round to some the other day and my perspective on babe shifted, from seeing her as an enchanting pet to seeing a unique person with a spirit designed to relate to God. Towards the end of my pregnancy, which took about 10 months for some reason, I was walking in the local park asking God about who babe is as a person. I didn't get a direct answer but I started noticing the bumper crop of glossy chestnuts that we had this autumn. I thought about how the potential for the whole enormous tree was contained in one small conker, and how depending on its treatment a conker could reach forty foot and produce hundreds of other conkers every year, or get smashed underfoot in the school playground. That sounds like a daunting responsibility, but I suppose the encouraging thing is that God actually makes things grow, not us, and our part is just to make sure that no-one ties a string round her neck and uses her in a conkers match. Hmm - the analogy is breaking down. No, I mean that God has put amazing stuff in her that he wants to bring out, and if babyfather and I can convince her that she's loved and lovable along the way we'll be doing well.

Monday, December 1

Vital stats
8 weeks 5 days

Babe at 8 weeks: 9lb 8
Her birth weight: 6lb 8
Me at last weighing: 10.5 stone
My pre-pregancy weight: 9.5 stone
Cat at last weighing: 5 kilos
Cat's pre-diet weight: 5 kilos

Yes, babies are weighed in pounds, adults in stone and cats in kilos. Actually I had to weigh babe in imperial and metric at the GP surgery - she was 4.3 kilos. Compare and contrast to cat.

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